Muddy Douz - CC Set

Muddy Douz - CC Set


Muddy Douz - CC Set



被動式三吸盤,高還原琴聲音色,hybrid 複合式收音設計,兼具紮實弦聲與琴體空間共鳴,可收全面性敲擊聲,此版本已混合成MDZ雙系統。

Taiwan hand-crafted acoustic guitar pickup

Passive pickups with 3 suction cups sensors, replenish the guitar’s original tone and color, combined sound detection design gives the guitar a solid base and a natural space resonance nature, percussive style can also blend in well as well, works very well with other pre-amp/effects/pedals or other equipment and accessories.

Passive style under saddle pickup, gives warm yet rounded ended tones with well amount of output power, solid and balanced frequency from highs to lows, exclusive triple anti-noise design.

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Muddy DouZ,台灣手工原聲拾音器品牌,致力於設計製作出不經過度渲染,最自然還原音色的原聲拾音器,呈現出最接近樂器本身的原始音色,純粹放大那最熟悉喜愛的感動聲音。台灣多位新生代指彈演奏家使用中,雙系統的搭配能讓演奏者得到更自然細膩的聲音,對於音色上的調整控制也能更加精準,在音色操作變化上有著很高的可能性。

Muddy Douz - CC Set for Lowden LOWDEN CC SET.jpg

Muddy Douz - CC Set for Lowden
